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Category Archives: Blog

New Music! Buleedat!

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I never want to work for the man no more/ So this album’s an application for fans on tour/ I don’t want to slave from 9-5/ So I struggle and strive but I will survive/Now how many times must I break my neck… to be disappointed by this measly @$$ check?/What the hell must I do to get some dough… Hopefully this time tomorrow, I’m gonna quit fo sho!

New Music! Hello again world. Got away from the blog posts for a long while but the hustle hasn’t stopped. This is for everyone out there working hard to achieve their dreams!

Better With Age (Stocks & Bonds) Music Video!

By | Blog, Music | No Comments


Hello world! It’s that time again! Another new music video, brought to you by True Hogs Club.

Better With Age (Stocks & Bonds)

Shout out to all my so-called friends who were in MY music video. Even though I did ALL the work. Y’all just sat around and drank all my beer. Freeloaded while I wrote all the guitar parts and made the beat. Always riding my coattails and basking in the glow of my talent. Thanks, you sad sacks of shit. Oh and one more thing, the dog in this video has more charisma in his tail than y’all will ever dream of!

No, but seriously…all jokes aside…

I’d like to give the recognition to my friends and family who helped me make this music video. They aren’t the type to brag about the work they put in to make this possible for me so, I’m going to do it for them.

Once again- I’ve got to start out with a big shout out to my comrade from a different mom/dad, Dutch Negative for lacing the video. He came to me a year ago with this sick guitar riff and we finally got in the studio and busted this track and video out in one day. You’re a beast bro!

Most definitely have to thank Young Dyl & Up Shot Sounds for the crazy baseline! You’re a monster on the beats fam! A true professional and this mans’ work ethic is off the charts. I appreciate you allowing me to rock in your studio!

Shout out my friends who were in the video and my family who always support my craft and been with me since Day 1.  Y’all keep me grounded and hold me down no matter what. I truly appreciate that because, not everyone can be blessed with solid, humble and hungry people in their life. I love y’all!

New Music Video! DOWN TO EARTH

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Hey World! I just want everyone to know that I’m extremely blessed and thankful right now… To have the friends and support that I do… To be receiving the props and praise from those that mean the most to me… To be gaining new fans of my music, work and art. I’m passionate about this art form and I am so happy that I can share it with the world. This is for all my True Hogs out there! I’m trying to stay humble and happy while pushing this brand, website and lifestyle. I can’t thank the people who’ve helped me create this video enough. It took a lot of hard work, time, resources & dedication to get to this point. I hope everyone can appreciate the end result.

I simply wanted to recognize those who came out to work on and share in the experience of making this video. I’ll be promoting more and more but those of you who were there know who you are. So again, thank you!

Shout out -2+ on the absolutely amazing artwork! Knew I had to commission you to make a sick piece right when I saw some of your paintings! Shout out to Dutch Negative! Always a blessing having you film and edit my music videos! Shout out Bhatoa for the dope beat! Shout out Young Dill for the mix! Shout out my friends who came to celebrate, eat, drink, freeload… jk! Love y’all! Seriously though… imma need y’all to chip in next time. Shout out my friends- Stova, G- Juice & Leche, Aaron, Allen, my bro Red, my crew EBL, Mos, Flashy, my family y’all know who you are. Anyone else I forgot

I appreciate everybody who’s been showin’ love!
Please enjoy the music and art. Be good to one another. One Love.

New Videos! Just For The True Hogs…

By | Blog, Food for thought, Music | No Comments

It’s been a whirlwind start for us here at TrueHogsClub!

Over the last month we’ve added some new merchandise to the site and a couple new songs for you to download. So be sure to check those out!

I’ve got an Oldie but a Goodie for everyone out there! I finally made a video to one of my oldest slam poetry pieces. The track is called Peanut Butter & Jelly. There’s a few bloopers and outtakes that we might add but without giving away too much of the plot… well, y’all can just see it for yourselves.

With a ton of help from my friends and fam at The Bay Area Brew Boys and Interstate 3am I hope y’all enjoy it!

Please remember to Rate, Comment & Subscribe to our new YouTube channel! Thanks for all of your kind words and support! Until next time, One Love.



Hello world! RoastBeast Here…

By | Blog, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Welcome to TrueHogsClub.com! I’ve always felt the need to have one place where I could share my creativity with the world so I decided to create this website. I have a passion for many different mediums; from comedy to music, from food to drink. I know I’m not alone in my thinking when I say it’s not right that society pressures us to pick one hobby or career and stick to it. Most people enjoy doing all different types of art, activities and things for fun. We all know, “Variety is the spice of life!” If you’re like me, and love diving into all that life has to offer then this is a place for you!

Here on this blog, I’ll be posting questions and topics of discussion for all the True Hogs out there! Best places to visit, eat, drink… favorite spots to go in your areas, places to get some libations… your favorite pastimes, what’s in style, what isn’t… things to do, exhibits to see… and so on.

You’ll have the opportunity to join Roast Beast’s Joke of the Month club and also  be able to join in on our in-depth discussions about your favorite artists in music; from mainstream to underground. I want True Hogs Club to become a place for those who love to devour all that this amazing planet has to offer and give back to one another within the communities that we live.

Be sure to check out my videos, clothing, video games, brews, share a laugh or two and show me some support by just leaving a few words of inspiration. If you can, buy a couple of songs that will be free to download because it’s less about me selling anything and more about the donation to help me keep this site running. Buying a link to one of my songs for a dollar or so will allow me to produce more albums and music. Purchasing a shirt will help me promote the brand and build a community of like-minded people who love rooting for the underdog! I put in a lot of time, effort and resources so, any monetary donations would be greatly appreciated. All of my comedy, music and artwork can be downloaded for FREE thru the links on this site so if you find it in your heart to support by purchasing any of the merchandise on the Shop page, I’ve got mad love for ya!

This is just a small glimpse into what being a True Hog is about, I’m looking forward to linking up with all of you so stay tuned for more updates and until next time; be good to one another!


– The RoastBeast