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THC Celebrating 2 Years!


True Hogs Club turns 2 years old today! We are celebrating our second anniversary and although there is much to look forward to, I thought this would be a good time to reflect on all the successful milestones of the past couple years.

Two-Usually symbolizes partnership and I would be remiss if we didn’t start off by thanking all of those who have supported THC and became a partner recently. Shout out to Eggworth, PhoneCasePop and JuiceVintage for the collaboration! THC can’t wait to add more partners and sponsors in the near future. We already have a few planned for year 3… So stay tuned world!

The number two can also signify balance and of course duality. In an effort to keep well rounded and balanced we have put out new music (2 albums and an EP- go get those now!) More items and artwork plus merchandise. (Go buy those now too!) Also did a little acting and filming/directing. Go watch the music videos and get the On The Court DVD out now! With Dos; you get the Ying & Yang. It’s not always Joy. Sometime there’s Pain. We would like to take the time to remember those we lost this year. Rest In Paradise.

Going to keep this short and sweet. Here’s to year 2. -Roll2 and as always, remember to be good to one another. Until next time. Happy 4/20 Peace out world.

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