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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Time Travel Takes Tremendous Talent

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Would you hop in that DeLorean… Punch it to 88mph/ Just to tell your younger-self… you should maybe wait… Before you get that chain… before you get that car… or would you change it altogether if you get that far? Would take it all back just to have more fun? Would you erase your future before it’s said and done? Would etch out the past that’s set in stone? Maybe swoop on a report card before your mom gets home?

Would you go back in time to give Grams more hugs? Or even rewind the clock just to tell your crush… that you’ve felt it for a while; so you’ll fall in love? What if you could do none, or all of the above? Take a wormhole to Wednesday to stop a war? Or flashback to Friday, ride a dinosaur? Invest or invent for a little more cash? Would you take that chance to alter the past?

When I think of faith… I wouldn’t change nothin’!

New Music! Buleedat!

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I never want to work for the man no more/ So this album’s an application for fans on tour/ I don’t want to slave from 9-5/ So I struggle and strive but I will survive/Now how many times must I break my neck… to be disappointed by this measly @$$ check?/What the hell must I do to get some dough… Hopefully this time tomorrow, I’m gonna quit fo sho!

New Music! Hello again world. Got away from the blog posts for a long while but the hustle hasn’t stopped. This is for everyone out there working hard to achieve their dreams!