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New Music! Buleedat!

By | Blog, Music | No Comments


I never want to work for the man no more/ So this album’s an application for fans on tour/ I don’t want to slave from 9-5/ So I struggle and strive but I will survive/Now how many times must I break my neck… to be disappointed by this measly @$$ check?/What the hell must I do to get some dough… Hopefully this time tomorrow, I’m gonna quit fo sho!

New Music! Hello again world. Got away from the blog posts for a long while but the hustle hasn’t stopped. This is for everyone out there working hard to achieve their dreams!

New Videos! Just For The True Hogs…

By | Blog, Food for thought, Music | No Comments

It’s been a whirlwind start for us here at TrueHogsClub!

Over the last month we’ve added some new merchandise to the site and a couple new songs for you to download. So be sure to check those out!

I’ve got an Oldie but a Goodie for everyone out there! I finally made a video to one of my oldest slam poetry pieces. The track is called Peanut Butter & Jelly. There’s a few bloopers and outtakes that we might add but without giving away too much of the plot… well, y’all can just see it for yourselves.

With a ton of help from my friends and fam at The Bay Area Brew Boys and Interstate 3am I hope y’all enjoy it!

Please remember to Rate, Comment & Subscribe to our new YouTube channel! Thanks for all of your kind words and support! Until next time, One Love.